This vegetable which looks like sweet potato is a boon for health, it destroys 6 diseases, 99% people make mistake in understanding it.

This vegetable which looks like sweet potato is a boon for health, it destroys 6 diseases, 99% people make mistake in understanding it.


There is no such nutrient in yam vegetable which is not found in it.
Yams, which look like sweet potatoes, are less sweet and more starchy.
Yam is considered beneficial for brain health and diabetes.

Health benefits of Ratalu: Ayurveda mentions not only fruits, flowers and leaves, but also many vegetables, which are considered to be a treasure of health. Yam vegetable is also one of them. Yes, yam is also known as nutrition dynamite, kathalu ratalu, pindalu, kasthalu. Whereas its scientific name is Dioscorea Alata. There is no nutrient in this miraculous vegetable which is not found in it. Yam looks exactly like sweet potato. However, yams are less sweet and more starchy than sweet potatoes. Let us tell you that yellow, orange and purple yams are rich in antioxidants, carbohydrates and vitamins, whereas white yams have more potassium. Consuming it provides many miraculous health benefits. Come to Balrampur Hospital Lucknow Ayurvedacharya Dr. Jitendra Sharma Know the benefits of eating yam from-

Yam is full of nutrition

Yam is a treasure trove of many nutrients. According to modern science, about 100 grams of yam contains calories 118, fat, 0.2 grams, potassium 816 mg, carbohydrate 28 grams, fiber about 4 grams, protein 1.5 grams, vitamin C 28 percent, amount of vitamin B-6 15 percent, vitamin A 2 percent, iron 2 percent and magnesium 5 percent are found. These minerals and vitamins found in this tuber make it special.

6 health benefits of eating yam

Improve brain health: Yam is also considered beneficial for brain health. Let us tell you that a chemical called diosgenin is found in yam, which increases the growth of neurons and improves brain functions. Apart from this, yam also has neuroprotective properties, which is helpful in keeping mental health better. You can eat yam by boiling it or making its vegetable.

Prevent cancer cells from growing: Anti-cancer properties are also found in yam, which work to prevent the severity of cancer and the spread of cells. Actually, there is presence of antioxidants like phenol, flavonoids and vitamin C in yam, which are effective in fighting cancer. Along with this, Vitamin A present in yam is helpful in fighting lung and mouth cancer.

Beneficial in Piles: Yam vegetable is also helpful in providing relief from piles. Actually, most of the people suffer from constipation due to unhealthy eating habits these days. This constipation gradually gives rise to serious diseases like piles. In such a situation, yam can prove to be very effective. Let us tell you that soluble fiber is found in yam, consumption of which relieves the problem of constipation and piles. You can consume it twice a week.

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Beneficial in diabetes: Yam vegetable also has the ability to control diabetes. Actually, due to today’s stress and wrong eating habits, the problem of diabetes is increasing among people. It also affects the kidneys and heart. In such a situation, it is very important to keep it under control. Therefore, to control diabetes, you can consume yam vegetable. You can also consume it by boiling it.

Keep cholesterol under control: Consuming yam can prove beneficial for you if cholesterol level increases. It helps in controlling cholesterol levels. Actually, the fiber present in it prevents bad cholesterol from increasing and provides relief from the problem of constipation. Consuming this vegetable will strengthen your muscles. Besides this, immunity will also be boosted.

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Increase sexual stamina: Yam is like a boon for men. Consuming yam boosts sexual stamina. Also, by consuming it regularly, one can get relief from all the problems related to sexual activity. In such a situation, you can consume yam vegetable regularly.

Tags: health benefits, Health News, healthy food, Lifestyle

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